Navigating Awkward Childhood Experiences | Stay Outta My Fridge Ep. 251

Beard Laws (00:00.703)
Man, you didn't say anything. It was awkward. I was waiting for it. I was waiting for something funny to get me giggling, but it's good. The voice you're hearing is me. It's Matt at Spirit Loss. Joining me, as always, Brandon J.

Brandon J McDermott (00:13.046)
had a cough right when you were hitting start and I was like, it wouldn't let me mute. So I'm like holding it, holding it, holding it until it popped on and I was able to cough. But good morning, good to be with

Beard Laws (00:21.547)
What a good guy though, because not only did you cough, but you also turned your head. Is that from your childhood? Do they… Can you go ahead and milk this, Prusty? Do kids still have to do that? I have kids in school, but I don't have a boy, so I don't know if they obviously have… I'm wondering if they still have to do that. But not only that, like that was obviously awkward as a kid, but you know what I mean? You get why you did it, but the scoliosis

Brandon J McDermott (00:26.986)
Yes, yes. In fact, there's a nurse right over here. Rebecca, come say

Beard Laws (00:50.337)
That was always a weird thing for us too. I don't know if you guys had to do that in gym class or no.

Brandon J McDermott (00:55.66)
Where you like bend down and they like look or feel yeah, yeah, we also went to the Nurses office and Into the closet and had to take our shirt off and bend down so she could like check like she was very it was a very private

Beard Laws (01:11.349)
Hmm, for scoliosis or…?

Brandon J McDermott (01:13.066)
I think it was to check our spine for something. I don't know what it was.

Beard Laws (01:15.873)
Weird. Yeah, because our gym teachers, where I was obviously a really small school, they were also they doubled as health teachers. So I guess they were certified to check for scoliosis. Thankfully, the gym teachers did not volunteer to, you know, do the the turn your head and cough as well. There was an actual physician that came in

Brandon J McDermott (01:33.932)
Do know what I found out? I found out that the reason you have to turn your head and cough is just so you don't cough on them.

Beard Laws (01:35.585)

Beard Laws (01:40.887)
Yeah, 100%, it does nothing. Nope, it does nothing. Like the, what was the old thing that a lot of people said when you're choking or something, just pat your back or stand. I know there was always something stupid that people around here would always say when you put your hands up. Like it doesn't really open your air waves. If you're coughing, you're not choking. The air is there.

Brandon J McDermott (02:00.79)
But remember when you were when you're on, I know if you played baseball back when you were there when we were playing sports, coaches would always say, put your hands on your head when you're breathing. So we'd always I don't know if it helped at

Beard Laws (02:14.303)
Yeah, I I remember seeing that as well, too. Yeah, it's going to open your airwaves. No, the problem is I'm out of shape, coach. And you just ran us for like seven miles. I can't breathe. I don't think this work. Maybe it does. I don't know. I'm not anybody that's listening, probably screaming at your device, be like, yeah, it does. actually tell us that we're idiots. mean, obviously we are not medical professions. I'm not professional, really. Anything turns out. OK, I don't know. Either way, Brandon's back from vacation. You're probably going, where the hell has you been?

Eubon is going to be off this week. He's a little under the weather. We'll leave it at that and hopefully he's back next week. If not, we'll let him get back up to whatever hundred percent is for that guy. And, you know, we'll get him back on the show. So if you miss him, tell him how much you miss him in the comments or go to his social media. I don't think he posts a lot anymore, but yeah, tease and pees for ol' Eubon Joachimov. And not only the thoughts and prayers of your religious person, can do it, but I'm pretty sure he'd rather see a different kind of tease and pees.

that are parts on.

feel like

Brandon J McDermott (03:14.806)
We're definitely thinking about you though buddy, hope you're doing well Yuma.

Beard Laws (03:17.739)
Yeah, absolutely, man. Yeah. And I've been chatting with him today. Hopefully he's going to be fine. He's going to be all right. What is what's the old saying with like the cockroaches? Even cockroaches can survive a nuclear fallout or something, which I found out isn't true. That was always a saying. think that somebody not obviously mythbusters. I think they do something else. But I think I remember finding somewhere on the Google world. That's not a thing. They die, too.

Brandon J McDermott (03:43.744)
did not know that, thought it was

Beard Laws (03:44.971)
Me neither. Maybe I'm making that shit up, but I'm pretty sure I heard that cockroaches do also die in a nuclear fallout.

Brandon J McDermott (03:55.606)
You learn something new every

Beard Laws (03:57.375)
Yeah, I also thought, too, you know, how everybody's like, obviously global warming. It's so bad. my God. All the polar ice caps are melting, which I'm not saying that that's a good or bad thing, but it's always an equilibrium. So say that the one ice cap is melting than the other one's growing, which I didn't realize that. they're saying it's it's OK if the world's getting warmer. It's OK. It's when the world starts getting much colder. That's when we really have something to worry

That was on like a pretty like popular and pretty sure podcast that somebody that very, very into that stuff. Say, you know, obviously things are getting warmer, but all that's doing is it's making the seasons kind of shift a little bit. So I know that I've seen over the last couple of years. Fall is a little bit later, which means spring lasts a little later. Summer and all of the ones are just lasting a little, you know, they're shifting a little bit. We're still getting the four seasons in certain areas except for floor. They just go hot, hotter, like real hot, like can't go outside hot.

Brandon J McDermott (04:55.308)
Yeah, I've noticed here and it's anecdotal and it's just the last 10 years. I don't know what, I've noticed our winters haven't been as strong. We've had a couple of winters where it's like the biggest snow we got was like eight inches and we got one of those. But I've I've also noticed that to your point. Yeah, it's like the heart of winter here doesn't really hit in until December, January, where it used to be October.

Beard Laws (05:10.294)
Yeah, that's really big

Beard Laws (05:21.291)
Mm -hmm.

Brandon J McDermott (05:23.148)
or November, know, we'd be Thanksgiving and be getting heavy snows. And now it's like, well, we're not getting those snows until December, January, and the hard freeze isn't happening until February, which would happen earlier

Beard Laws (05:34.679)
Yep. Yeah, I mean, we a couple of years ago, we went we were camping on Thanksgiving. We were out camping like cooked a turkey or like a small bird or something over to fire. We were out camping at Thanksgiving. Like you said, 10, 15 years ago, we already got a couple of feet of snow. People are snowmobiling and having a hard time traveling on Thanksgiving. We're out there camping because it's like 50, 55. It's it's pretty wild. I'm not mad about it. And you know what? It just means that it's flannel season for that much longer.

You know what I mean? So you guys can check out Vermont flannel. Start loaning up on them. What I truly love and I've been taking advantage of, they do a barn sale, which I think is kind of a cool name for just saying more or less clearance. Because who wants to say clearance? Clarence. But they do a barn sale. So you get in there and you can get some stuff cheaper. Maybe it's an $88 flannel you're getting for like 70 bucks. Plus, rumor has it, you use Coldbeard Laws 24, you're going to save some money too. But I was telling the boys on Triple T, I've been promising I was going to get one of those lightweight flannels.

And I got one. And I'm not kidding you. Not only are they physically lighter, like it's lighter than this T -shirt, a long sleeve flannel. And I wore it all day when me and my wife went to Lake Placid. And for anybody that doesn't know or it's any place that is like near mountains, it's a lot of hills and a lot of walking. And I did not sweat or feel like hot. You know, like how you could just have too much on and you're like, God damn, I got to. I mean, was I sweating? Yes, because I'm a big boy and I'm out of shape.

Brandon J McDermott (06:57.737)

Beard Laws (07:01.815)
But it wasn't from that and it was comfy. So if anybody's thinking like Burley's gonna get a couple of them, cause he's in Otejas. So they get pretty hot down there. So I'm curious. Cause he was like, I can't wear a goddamn flannel. It's 90 with 98 % humidity. I'll die. I'm like, yeah, you got to fall one on. So we're gonna get them in some lightweight ones.

Brandon J McDermott (07:23.808)
So if we were to go to Matt Beardlaw's closet, what would your Al Borland collection look

Beard Laws (07:34.747)
shit, right now. So it's funny because I just moved, just built an addition. So I have a new room. So I went from like a five foot by five foot closet to a four and a half foot by three foot closet. So now it's just shelving all over. So the top shelf is like my suit jackets and then dress shirts and then like my Hawaiian anything that's like a button up shirt. You know what I mean? So like I got the the pirate Hawaiian collection that I'm starting to collect.

And then on top of that is all my jerseys. So I got the hockey, football, basketball jerseys. And then under that, to the left is like a little drawer where I keep, you know, my underwear, my socks, all that good stuff. And then to the right is my Vermont flannels.

Brandon J McDermott (08:17.238)
So what you're saying is you're a fan of Al Borland, but you're also a fan of Jimmy

Beard Laws (08:21.825)
Hell yeah, with a little mix of Tyler Hansbrough. that's a reach.

Brandon J McDermott (08:26.988)
It's a hell of an esoteric reference it's out there

Beard Laws (08:31.359)
Right. I wore that jersey yesterday. That's why it was fresh in my head. And I kept I might have had a couple of beverages and I doing cannonballs in the pool going, I'm

Brandon J McDermott (08:42.486)
So question for you, and this is not something I subscribe to, so just understand I'm not making judgments. I have a friend who's a well -known, well, well -known radio guy in Omaha. He's great guy. He's been around for decades. He says men don't wear jerseys or cologne. You should have your own natural musk. Only teenagers should wear cologne. Only young boys should wear cologne. And we shouldn't wear jerseys. I don't subscribe to either of those ideas.

What's your idea? What's your thought on that?

Beard Laws (09:13.751)
So I think it's, and not that it's awkward, but it's a little, now that I'm getting older, I think it's a little bit more weird that grown men or women or anybody wear college football jerseys, because they're wearing essentially jerseys of kids. So I think that one maybe is a little bit different, you know what I mean? And then they're going to these sporting events, yelling at kids, because most of these kids, well, are under the age of 21. So in the lovely state of America, they can't even drink a beverage. But pro sports?

I think I don't know. I think don't think there's anything wrong with it. I mean, have I ever bought a legitimate jersey from an actual company of a sports like a Pittsburgh Pirates or Penguins? No. Did I potentially find some from another country that was way cheaper and they look just as good? Maybe allegedly. But I don't know. I think I don't see any problems with that. don't know. I'm curious, I guess, why he says that we shouldn't wear jerseys.

Brandon J McDermott (10:07.126)
Well, he thinks it's not manly. It is, you you're wearing another man's jersey. You might as well just be saying, you know, I'm a fan of his, which I have got no problem with. But so I think from his perspective, it's just it's not a thing a man should do is wear another man's jersey.

Beard Laws (10:17.963)

Beard Laws (10:24.843)
What if it was a jersey with your name and your favorite number on it? Because I do have beard. I have two beard laws jerseys that are baseball button up.

Brandon J McDermott (10:30.966)
I think that's different. think you would agree with that. I've got a couple jerseys upstairs and the way that I see it is in how I'm wearing my jerseys

If they're dead or retired, I have no problem wearing their jersey as much. If I don't like this idea of like, gotta buy the newest jersey, I'm the newest rookie on my team. Like I don't, I won't be that guy. I like throwback jerseys. I think, listen, I don't know what he would say, but I think it's a stupid idea, first of all, to say nobody can wear jerseys, it's dumb. How would you feel? you got, I don't know you're a fan of this person, would you wear a Caitlin Clark jersey? I would too.

Beard Laws (11:13.697)
Hell yeah. I would, yeah.

Brandon J McDermott (11:15.852)
I mean it'd be a big ass fucking 4 5X Jersey.

Beard Laws (11:19.187)
It wouldn't be a woman's brand, that's for sure. But yeah, no, I'd rock one in a heartbeat. actually looked into them, but they were very expensive. And it turns out I wasn't going to pay for that. I'm speaking of well, and before I jump into that, I was going to say something about the WNBA stuff. But, know, I kind of agree with his point a little bit. It is awkward. Like say you were on the team. You're not going to you're not going to rock, you know, your teammates jersey. You're not going to wear a jersey from another. I can kind of see

Hey, that's that guy's jersey. That's his number. Why are you are you wearing it? But the exception is what if you share a same last name? You know what I mean? Because there's some McDermott's in football. Imagine like you rocking like I'm to tell you right now, if there was, you know, my same last name on a jersey, I would buy it. I don't care what team what his number is. And like I grew up not jealous, but kind of like, man, my buddy, his last name was McGuire. And there was a McGuire at the time in Madden when we were living together and playing Madden a lot.

So when he did a custom player, they knew how to say his name because it was a chosen name in there. I'm like, God damn it. So he would always linebacker number 55 McGuire. And I'm like, you son of a bitch, they don't know my name.

Brandon J McDermott (12:28.822)
So interesting that you bring that up. think that's funny. I was going to say something. Here's what I was going to say. So I'm not sure where it's like where you're at upstate, where you're at. I know on the East Coast, it's a little different. There's not a lot of college football fans in New England, There's not a lot of huge programs. You got Boston College, you got

Penn State, guess, Rutgers. But there's no Alabama, Ohio State, Georgia up there. so that said, I don't know if you guys are huge into college football. I'm a big Nebraska fan. I didn't go to the University of Nebraska. My point with that is there are a lot of fans to your saying you're a fan of this player or something like

There's the thought and the idea out there is like, why are you a fan of Nebraska? Why are you talking about we? You didn't go to college at Nebraska. They're not your school. You're not an alum. Why are you a fan of them? I think college football is a great example, especially in the South and the Midwest of teams like Nebraska, teams like Tennessee and Georgia, where none of these people went to this university. They didn't go to this school. They're not putting in money as donors or boosters or anything.

All they're doing is being a fan of a school that has that represents their state name or a team their dad liked or something like that. College football is a weird thing in our country, but I love

Beard Laws (13:59.329)
Yep. Huge. Yeah. And I've really tried getting into it. And like you said, because there's not I mean, there's Syracuse University, which is about two and a half hours for me. They're not considered major by any means in football, but they've had, you know, a couple of years, you know, back in the day when I lived in the area and I was going to games with my father and stuff, they had McNabb, they had Harrison, they had Franey like they had some really good talent on their teams. They were ranked in the country, you know, top five, top ten.

It was pretty cool to be in the Carrier Dome, you know,

Brandon J McDermott (14:32.598)
I miss Big East football. I miss that Boston College Miami, you know. shit. I mean, you're talking about Syracuse. They're a basketball blue blood, you know.

Beard Laws (14:38.911)
Basketball too biggies basketball

Beard Laws (14:46.075)
Yeah, they're actually from I think what I just saw something on Instagram is they're actually getting Carmelo's son. I think he's going to Syracuse. Yeah, I guarantee you he can't be like dad, but if he's even decent enough, but yeah, that's why. So there is a there was a McDermott. Obviously, there's the Sean McDermott for the bills. He doesn't have a jersey. There's a long snapper, Kevin McDermott. It looks like he's wearing a purple jersey, but there's also a Connor McDermott.

He played for the Jets, I think now he's a New England Patriot. Yeah.

Brandon J McDermott (15:16.364)
You want to have some fun? Search Brandon McDermott and you have to go down a little bit. before I, I'm saying this tongue in cheek, so please

Beard Laws (15:28.503)
I know what though before before I'm a it's pretty cool that you're the first thing that pops up in your internet personality. There's a lot about you. That's pretty

Brandon J McDermott (15:36.364)
Well, I've, as you know, I've pushed hard to like do all this stuff, but it used to be back when I was a journalist about eight, 10 years ago, I was always like, I gotta get my name bigger. I gotta get my name bigger. Because you want to be known, but it was me and this guy named Brandon McDermott who had a band in Texas and it was the Brandon McDermott band. And so you would always see when you search Brandon McDermott, would come Brandon McDermott, radio, journalist.

Beard Laws (15:39.6)

Beard Laws (15:59.531)

Brandon J McDermott (16:05.622)
Bram Mcdermid band. And it would just be like one after the other. Well, now I've kind of pushed him off page

Beard Laws (16:10.519)
How have you, have you ever hit them up and been like, hey, any chance of a collab? Cause that'd be cool. Brandon J. McDermott does a collab with the Brandon McDermott band. That'd be cool.

Brandon J McDermott (16:14.283)

Brandon J McDermott (16:20.938)
Yeah, that'd be great. But I always thought that was funny to me.

Beard Laws (16:26.591)
It is funny because it's your stuff, your stuff. Then there's Brandon McDermott, Chewy. I don't know. Yeah, there's a Facebook page and it's Brandon McDermott. And when you you Google it, it's on page two, at least on my browser. It's Brandon McDermott. And then it says Chewy. So there's there's that. And then it goes so it's a full page of you and then three down, at least on mine, is the Brandon McDermott band. Check them out. They're a staple along the Texas Gulf Coast, Gavilson, Texas.

Brandon J McDermott (16:31.34)

Beard Laws (16:55.383)
native Brandon McDermott band has been bringing their exciting band or brand of Texas music to stages all over something. Yeah, chewy. I don't know. Must just be maybe that's that dude's nickname or maybe it's a fake account pretending to be you. I do see a Brandon Brandon. Make sure you guys check it out. A Brandon Brandon, a memoir. You guys can get it on Amazon. It's only $12 .99. 30 day return in stock. Plus, I know a guy.

there's a men's assistant basketball coach. The cosgiants .com has Brandon McDermott listed over there. That's in California, I guess. College of Sequoias. Hmm. Lots of Brandon McDermott. The only person that I've known that I've had the same name as me as a guy from Australia. He was in like the Australian army and stuff. And I connected with him a while back on Facebook and we chatted for a little bit. So I was like, listen.

I'm gonna own the domain. Are you cool with it? I'm gonna own my name, all versions of our name." He's like, yeah, dude, I don't care. I'm in the army. I don't need a domain. What's a domain? This was a while ago. And their toilets flushed the wrong way. You're checking out Chewy, aren't you?

Brandon J McDermott (18:07.724)
No, I'm looking at this Department of Health and Human Performance and Recreation, University of Arkansas, Brendan P McDermott, Brendan P McDermott. Dr. McDermott is an associate professor who's been teaching athletic training and exercise science. Definitely not me for 20 years.

Beard Laws (18:14.007)
Brendan P. Shout out Brendan P.

Beard Laws (18:24.605)
Yeah, you had a cool interview with Cross the Bridge Coaching.

Brandon J McDermott (18:27.468)
That's funny.

That was one of the first ones I did three or four years ago. It was was an old work buddy of mine. His wife did a podcast and he reached out to me because had been paying.

Beard Laws (18:39.719)
Well, it hits up on that SEO pretty dang good. So good for them. Holy cow.

Brandon J McDermott (18:42.922)
Yeah, does. And it's a very, it's just some lady that does a podcast.

Beard Laws (18:47.521)
That's pretty sweet. So what I was going to say about the WNBA, they had the All -Star game or whatever. And I think they did Team USA versus like non -Team USA, like Caitlin Clark and some other girls. And I'm pretty sure Team USA lost. I haven't been able to look it up, but I'm fairly certain that Team USA will lose to some WNBA stars, which kind of makes

Yeah, Team USA loses to Team WNBA and Sparks. Deja vu. But the Olympic team isn't panicking, according to USA Today. Which is pretty odd. Yeah, one of the girls, I'm going to say this really wrong, not intentionally, Erica, I think, A -R -I -K -E, Ogyn Bawala, Bawala or whatever, I think scored like 30 something points in the second half. She had herself a game.

Brandon J McDermott (19:24.309)

Beard Laws (19:42.807)
But yeah, they're not panicking, but either way, from what I heard too, it was like a really good game. was like 117 to 109. Like I guess it was just pretty exciting. And kind of the reason why I'm saying that, you know, baseball just got off their, you know, all -star break. You know what I mean? From the home run derby to the game and stuff. And it had one of the highest rating all -star games of like anything for a while. Like pretty good. I love that. I love what baseball does. I hate what football does.

And I don't love the NBA one as well. Like, it's just not fun to watch. And it's pretty cool not only for the WNBA to kind of been getting the amount of publicity that it's had the last couple of years, but to actually have a really good game. And for me, I think it's a stupid thing because there's a lot of like guys and people in the world that go, it's a WNBA. I'm not going to watch it. I don't know, have you ever played sports against a very, very talented female? Because me and some buddies…

They went to Clarkson University, so they would do like open runs and stuff. And a couple of them got asked. And I had the chance to do this a couple of times to play verse the women's college basketball team, just kind of like just like an intramural, just another way for them to kind of potentially, you know, be a little bit better. Granted, this was 20 years ago and those girls were friggin good. And this was D3 college. You know what I mean? Like physical, strong, played well, like not scared.

of guys like

Brandon J McDermott (21:08.78)
Well, one of the things I'll say is I haven't worked out in probably 20 years in a sense of like trying to be better at sports and whatever. These women, these athletes are athletes. They're training every single day. They're making sure their nutrition is top notch. They are finely tuned machines for their sports, even Division III golf. I mean

sure there's exceptions to that rule. But you know what I'm saying? Like these these people are are training every day to be the best at what they do. And if you're a good athlete, that translates to a pickup game of basketball or even playing baseball or whatever. So I don't have off the top of my head an example of here's one I remember like, my God, but I've definitely played against some girls where I was like, she belongs on this basketball court as much as I do, if not 10 times more. But then again, you also forget

Beard Laws (22:04.737)
Mm -hmm.

Brandon J McDermott (22:07.372)
just because they're women doesn't mean you're automatically better than them, right? Because again, they're athletes, they're trying to do better. They've got natural talent, they've got this, they've got that. They've spent the years pushing and getting better in training and et cetera. And I can beat anybody at eating a bag of family Doritos in less than 10 minutes. But other than that, I got nothing.

Beard Laws (22:28.119)
And they have a lot more opportunity to not only play, but train, not even in the leagues and stuff that's popped up. And this is something that I'm kind of more aware now because I've been involved with coaching, you know, girls and stuff like that in the last little bit, but they have the internet. You know what I mean? 20 years ago, you couldn't just get on the internet, find a routine, find things, you know, find open gyms, find all of this stuff. And I'm seeing local athletes.

that are going to a guy, there's a guy, Chris surgeon out here. has three S training and he's taking these local high school and college athletes and training them in different workouts that I've never even seen before. Things that you can do with a towel, things you can do with a heavy ball. And he's really taking some of these local athletes and really getting them to excel. And a lot of them are females. And you start looking at his athletes, they're on state championship teams. They're on section winning teams. Like he's just, you know, putting, you know, kind of outside the box on some stuff he learned.

putting it into some local stuff and seeing some results. There's a girl that I saw play a little bit ago and I was like, God damn, I wish my daughter could play like that. Like she doesn't play and this is what I tell the girls at a coach, like she doesn't play like a girl. She plays like an athlete. And that's what I tell the girls that I coach like, don't play like a girl. And this is no offense to being a girl, but be an athlete. You know what I mean? Don't put yourself in one little area. Be an athlete. And I mean,

just little stuff like us. A lot of us, can naturally, and growing up watching the sports and watching local sports, seems like a lot of times when the girls go to make a pass, they almost have to jump stop, make a pass. You know what I mean? You're starting to see a lot more of the athleticism where they can just do a pass on the fly and not have to do that jump stop. you're starting, none of the girls that I'm coaching aren't going into sixth grade. And there's a couple of mine that are able to do that, but it's taken.

a lot of time and practice and there's a couple out here that are just friggin smooth.

Brandon J McDermott (24:18.548)
In watching high school area, high school basketball here, I think is a great example of it because I can't and a little bit to the college level to. One thing I noticed with with girls basketball is. A lot of the catch and shoot. It takes him a moment to like set themselves up before they shoot right there. They're getting in there. There's no quick shoot. I know that's probably a silly example.

Beard Laws (24:45.833)
No, but it makes sense and you know why I think that is? Girls overthink everything that I've seen in athletics. You know what mean? Their brains are going.

Brandon J McDermott (24:54.88)
But to see an Angel Reese and a Caitlin Clark who are, I mean, those are just two examples. Those aren't the only ones. But who when they're playing, when you're talking about being an athlete, playing like an athlete, it's just they are so fluid like they're they're they're like Caitlin Clark. Like the basketball is an extension of what she's doing. It's it's the extension of who she is on the court. It's like she she jumps on the court like a guitarist jumps into picks up a guitar.

and it becomes part of them. It's not a there's no awkward movements. I'll give you an example. And I don't blab it on at this point. We go on the radio every day. Not every day. I've been on it 10 days. I've got vacation. But when I go on the radio in the morning, it's my job to make the people listening in. Think how easy my job is like watching a baseball game. You see, like we've heard this 100 times. You see all those players pick up the bat, run out there and or

Beard Laws (25:30.603)
I don't

Brandon J McDermott (25:53.248)
Pit pit pick up a ball and go out there and pitch who are like a John Kruk who was a batter of course not a pitcher or like a

names, names escape me right now. Fernando Venezuela, for example. You've seen, back in the day you saw him, The dude looked like he could be laying bricks. Like he wasn't a pitcher, you know, but the dude was one of the best pitchers of his time. And, and so it's, it's our job to make people think anybody can do this, but understanding and knowing very well, not everybody can. And so that's kind of like, there's a joke of two friends having

Beard Laws (26:13.707)
Thank you.

Brandon J McDermott (26:34.762)
dinner with their wives to radio guys. And one of the radio guys is eating a steak and he's cutting it up and he says, you know, I got it so easy. Our job, what we do every day we go in there and you know, we get it. We got to talk to to celebrities. We got to be on the air. All I have to do is talk. I don't have to type up reports. I would do this. The wives go to the bathroom for a break and the radio host who wasn't talking looks at the other one and says, you got to stop making it seem like our job isn't hard.

The best part about this job is that everybody thinks it's the toughest job and the easiest job at the same time. And there's this mystique around it. And you got to keep that mystique. And I don't know necessarily about that, but to the point of being an athlete, being on the radio, being a musician, like your job is to make it seem so effortless. And Angel Reese, Clayton Clark, both are examples of that that do that quite well.

Beard Laws (27:30.219)
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, anybody that can go on and watch your party line, you know what I mean? And you're doing eight thousand things at once. like you said, you mean it. How many people are going to be able to, you know, research this, write this down, take notes? And while they have all of this stuff in the back of their brain, but that's why you've done it for so long at such a, in my opinion, a higher level. You're in a pretty big market and you've been in some big markets like agree. Can anybody just get on there and talk? Yeah. But is it going to be as fluid and even like burly?

You know, when we were watching the party line a couple of weeks ago, Burleigh was like, holy shit, does Brandon make that look easy? There's never us or hums or those filler words. Like it's just and half the time, I think your brain's eight thousand steps ahead. And it's like the Amish horse just knows how to get home. You there's things that you do every day that's just so effortless for you. But you're still doing so much that somebody is not going be able to just like I'm not going to be able to go in and be a radio host right out the gate. There's so much stuff that, know, you have to learn.

Brandon J McDermott (28:27.85)
You would you would do better than most. In fact, I think you would be quite good very in a very short amount of time. Hosting a podcast like this is so different. But that said, there's a lot of the same tools. Your ability to ad lib intros and outros, I envy. I honestly I look up to because it's you're really good at it. It seems like it's scripted and it never is. And so that's the other thing is, is is how can you ad lib and not make it seem like you're blabbing on?

Beard Laws (28:28.439)
the earth.

Brandon J McDermott (28:56.864)
but also how can you read from a script and not make it sound like you are? Those are two different skills and very important ones. try to tell all the news reporters that ever worked for me, if I'm hearing you read, President Biden announced on Tuesday that, like you're telling your friend, President Biden announced on Tuesday the signing of the latest treaty with Japan or whatever.

Beard Laws (29:22.214)

Brandon J McDermott (29:23.178)
you know, the way that you're, it takes practice, but you would do great at

Beard Laws (29:28.279)
Speaking of music, I don't know why this triggered in my well I do know I triggered my head because I went down a rabbit hole Have you ever heard somebody play a 12 string bass? like really good there's so my Though the wife's family obviously is super into music and you know playing bands and stuff and her her brother is one of the most talented Guitar players I've ever seen I mean he could be playing something and say like a Scottish tune hear a commercial and instinctively

Brandon J McDermott (29:40.46)
Never even heard of such a

Beard Laws (29:57.495)
just play in that exact tune while being in a different tune. Like it's just math to him. Like his brain doesn't work like ours, right? So I saw the, actually Burley sent me a video of a guy just, oh, look at this 12 string bass. And I'm like, oh man, that sounds awesome. So then it led me down a path and I found this YouTuber, Charles Berthoud, B -E -R -T -H -O -U -D. I'm like, what? Guys, unbelievable. So then I sent it to him.

And he's like, yeah, this is probably the best bassist in the entire world. And I'm thinking like, holy cow, like and he could probably we probably don't have rights to this. So I don't know how it'll work, but we'll try it out. But either way, he does a whole bass channel, this and that. I'll at least play a little bit of it. But he's able to like strum, play the bass line and play almost like a melody at the same time while.

Not only this bass, I mean he has whole channel make sure you guys check it out, but this is just the 12 string bass And I mean it's just a massive sound and again. This is right on his

Beard Laws (31:03.817)
Again, somebody that makes it look effortless.

Beard Laws (31:17.911)
He's strumming, picking, slapping.

Beard Laws (31:51.368)

Brandon J McDermott (31:52.94)
First of all, 12 string bass, holy shit. Second of all, yeah, he's great. Even the harmonics he was hitting in there was, it's very hard to hit a harmonic on a bass like that, because it's just such so huge strings.

Beard Laws (32:02.519)
He's done so many different covers too and playing like every part of the song on a four string bass. He is unbelievable. I legit probably watched 45 minutes of all of his different YouTube videos. He's got like two million subscribers now. He is unreal. He's honestly probably starting to change music. And one of my favorite videos, me personally, of him is he goes, can AI really

create better music than us or whatever. So we started doing all these like simple like, give me a baseline for this, then give me a funky baseline and it would spit it out and he'd play it. And he's like, wow, I'm really moved. And they were so basic. And then he started doing higher end prompts, higher end prompts, and it couldn't get anywhere near like a baseline of something that he can do, which is on a whole different level. But it was kind of a cool kind of video of, you know, people that are, you know, we've talked about it on multiple shows about music for NAI and stuff like

and then to see it spit out, somebody actually play it, it kind of opened my eyes up a little bit, you know, differently in the whole AI music thing.

Brandon J McDermott (33:07.606)
So I gotta show you something now because you brought this up and I gotta do it.

Beard Laws (33:09.889)
Thank you.

Beard Laws (33:16.385)
Do it. Tallulah. I don't think

Brandon J McDermott (33:16.982)
There's this band. Have you heard of Tallulah?

So got about 100 ,000 subscribers on YouTube. So not huge, huge, but they're

Beard Laws (33:25.963)
Are they Australian? Is that that little symbol? Or is that just like an emoji? Okay. I just couldn't tell what that was. From way back here. Okay, cool.

Brandon J McDermott (33:31.936)
I think they're American. I'm pretty sure they're American. Yeah, United States, United States. So anyway, but these guys, holy smokes, can you hear this? Let me

Beard Laws (33:46.455)
can now again,

Brandon J McDermott (33:49.964)
But this dude on bass, dude, holy smokes.

Beard Laws (34:13.025)
So effortless, like you said.

Brandon J McDermott (34:22.42)
What's even more impressive than all that is when they get in here and they'll just do

Beard Laws (34:27.148)

Brandon J McDermott (34:33.908)
Anyway, they're two of the widest dudes you'll ever see. But holy smokes, are they like in the pocket as they call it? Yeah. So anyway, I found them and I just roll sometimes their shorts because it's like, damn, that was a good one. I wish that was a song. Because some of these are just grooves that they mess with and stuff.

Beard Laws (34:35.34)

Beard Laws (34:42.113)
Yeah, he looks better with a beard too, doesn't he? shit.

Beard Laws (34:52.277)
Right? No, that's cool. That's awesome, man. I have a brain like that. You're on a whole different level. I still to this day have always had a thing. Maybe you can have an exception to this rule, but anybody that can skateboard can pretty much be good at anything that they ever want to. I don't know a single person that's been deep. And I'm not saying just get on a skateboard and be able to ride down the road. I'm saying those people that can drop in, they can do kickflips, they can do stuff. Maybe not obviously

obviously not on like an X Games Tony Hawk style level, but anybody locally that you've ever seen that can be pretty good or one of the best runner, I guarantee you they've been good at everything. I mean, there's a guy around here that's really good at skateboarding, ended up becoming like a national arm wrestling champion for national pool chair, like anything this guy ever touches. He's so good

Brandon J McDermott (35:43.008)
Yeah, I had a buddy of mine who were not friends anymore, but he's a good guy. Used to skateboard and this dude could play basketball. He could race. He could swim. I mean, this dude was just a naturally talented at everything. Hand to eye coordination, unbelievable. In fact, I mean, I don't want to get in the woods because I know we're to end up in the conversation here, but at some point I want to I want to talk about like the idea of letting.

Beard Laws (35:57.681)

Brandon J McDermott (36:10.988)
And I was just very esoteric as well, letting your, your, your, your not talent, your potential die. Like some of the people I've seen in my life that are, that were 10 more times, 10 times more talented than I was, had so much more potential than I had, but never pushed it, never tried it, never shaped it, never honed it. And now they're, you know, down the road working at a fill in the blank, what's a bad job you don't want to do. Cause I'm not trying to make fun of any,

Beard Laws (36:37.909)
Mm -hmm. No, no.

Brandon J McDermott (36:40.906)
stuff but they never did anything with it and so it went away and that's what happens with it. The potential does go away, talent does die if you don't pick a flower.

Beard Laws (36:48.737)
Do you think it's because of like substance? Do these people, do you think like, you know, maybe I got too hard into the booze, maybe I got into some drugs.

Brandon J McDermott (36:56.812)
yeah, yeah, that's definitely, definitely something. people who are creative tend to, mean, everybody does really, but tend to have issues with, bigger issues with substance abuse. You know, look at me, I eat a lot of food. I mean, that's my drug of choice. And I need to do better at it for health reasons and stuff like this as I get older. But no, I don't necessarily think this was an issue with the individual I'm talking about was an issue with substance as much

I think honestly, there's this, how do I explain it? There's this, when I was about 12 or 13 years old, I used to listen, I used to, I was the kind of guy that like threw myself at girls. if you, everybody goes through that when you're a young kid, you know, you do it. And I would court a girl or try to date a girl and it would look good for like two or three weeks and then all of a sudden would die. I would get so depressed, not real depressed.

Beard Laws (37:56.215)
Kid depressed. Yeah, yeah.

Brandon J McDermott (37:56.288)
You know what I'm talking about. But you would, I would listen to music like we all do. And I like enjoyed like this feeling of like, woe is me, sad, like, yeah, I had to get over myself. I had to get out of that. And to that point, where I'm going with that is this guy, had kind of the same feeling for letting his potential die. Everybody has built him up his whole life. I'm the most talented. I'm the most, yeah. And my potential will die. I won't prove it out, but who cares? I've been the most talented ever.

and nobody's gonna remember. Nobody's gonna remember that. Nobody will remember. like, I did a video on YouTube a couple days ago and people are just commenting the worst things like, yeah, you're gonna die 30 years before me. And my comment to them is, first of all, stop measuring your happiness in years. And second of all, in a hundred years, we'll both be gone and nobody will remember either of us. So who gives two hoots and a scoot about, because nobody's gonna remember you or me, Matt, respectfully.

Beard Laws (38:27.073)
Yeah. Yep.

Brandon J McDermott (38:52.692)
other than our family for the next generation and after that. Hey, did hear about grandpa Matt? You know,

Beard Laws (38:52.704)

See ya. Yeah, I saw Matt on Ancestry. think I know him. Later. Yeah.

Brandon J McDermott (39:00.768)
Right. So I don't know what it was with this kid, but he just loved the idea that he was the best at everything. This skateboarder. But never lived it out, never tried to do better, always was scheming to cut corners and things like that. And and you don't get good by cutting corners. You know how Steve Nash got so good at shooting free throws? He shot free throws.

Beard Laws (39:23.883)

Beard Laws (39:29.441)
Mm -hmm. Over.

Brandon J McDermott (39:29.58)
you practice over and over and over again, which is why he shot like 92 or 93%. So you don't get that good just by being naturally gifted at shooting a basket. You have to practice and

Beard Laws (39:40.951)
You are kidding. Yeah, it's a it's a weird thing. And some people, they just they're so good at things that it's so easy that they get bored. And they're just like, you know what? I'm going to just accept that this is my life and I don't feel like moving. you know, maybe it's too much of a challenge and maybe there's just that fear. You know, if you're the best in a small town and then you go to a big town and there's 40 other that are just as good, if not better. Do I really want to compete to be the best? Or am I content with, hey, I'm the best here? I've seen some things, you know, whether it's sports or

or anything just like that, and they're just content, which isn't a bad thing. You know, sometimes small town is pretty good. It's a slower life. You know, I've lived both lives. I don't hate it. But yeah, what a weird thing. But let's let's, you know, let's stay out of my fridge. We talk about what's in our fridge or some kind of food, because I was sitting there today. I was like, man, I'm hungry. And I've been trying to eat a little bit healthier. So I was like, I'm going to grab some eggs. Like, what the hell? Look like a to go container, almost like maybe some, you know, sauce or queso or something. So I pull it out.

It's a frigging thing of worms. The kids were fishing. So they were like, got to put the worms in the fridge so they don't die. And I was just like, cool. I mean, it wasn't a mess, thankfully. It was a very good container, but that's a pretty goddamn weird thing to have in your fridge. But we do have, the kids are all into fishing. So I told them, listen, if you don't go use these worms, we're going to put them outside here pretty quick, because I don't want them in my food.

Brandon J McDermott (41:01.451)
No, 100%. Went for vacation for 10 days, came back and we paid a lady to clean our house while we were gone because I didn't want to. The worst thing to do when you come back from vacation is have to clean. But I did go through my refrigerator and. I noticed one of the items in my refrigerator was my favorite salami that had my wife had pushed it so far back into the fridge that the top had come off. And.

Beard Laws (41:29.942)

Brandon J McDermott (41:31.35)
This salami is the driest piece of big old thing that is now shriveled up in size piece of meat you've ever seen. I was like, what if I rehydrate it? No, it's like refrigerator is what it's going to taste like. So I would, that's what's in my fridge and I was depressed. So I ordered Jimmy

Beard Laws (41:37.317)

Beard Laws (41:42.017)

Beard Laws (41:49.109)
Yeah, why would that solid? I was sitting there and I was like, all right, so not only do I want, you know, not these worms on my eggs, but eggs. I was like, I want some hot sauce. So I grabbed one bottle. I'm like, damn, for some reason, I don't know what it is. All the hot sauce bottles. like the dates wear off quicker than any other goddamn bottle I've ever seen. So I get it. So now it's to the point where I'm like, I don't really think hot sauce goes bad, per se.

Brandon J McDermott (42:13.226)
Holy shit, this one went bad in July! I just bought them!

Beard Laws (42:17.609)
See, at least you can see it. But so I keep them in the fridge a lot of times. You know what I mean? I mean, yeah, like wiped off probably from the condensation and just so this was just like three or four different hot sauces. I'm like, I know they're probably bad, but are they really bad? mean, it's just what vinegar and some, you know, do they they must go bad, bad, but like, probably not going to make you super sick bad. But I three different ones. Couldn't read the data on any of them. So I went by which ones still look the most red. It's a weird game to play, right?

Brandon J McDermott (42:21.731)
you mean it gets wiped off? Okay, I got

Brandon J McDermott (42:47.43)
It is a weird game to play, but to your point, the biggest thing with condiments usually is this conversation I with my wife of do you keep it in the fridge or does it not be refrigerated? Well, if it says please refrigerate after opening, follow that law. But with condiments, more of a it's not going to go bad. It is going to change color and flavor. It's not going to be the same. It's going to be put. I do want to give a shout out also, if I could, to Walmart now.

Beard Laws (43:12.215)
Hell yeah. Absolutely. Okay.

Brandon J McDermott (43:16.202)
Say what you want about Wally World. But what they've done and I'm not going to show. Well, I will show this brand because I love this brand of hot sauce. Yellowbird. I if you've ever had Yellowbird. It's actually really decent. do. The brand is great. This one's Habanero. Walmart has started selling these dollar hot sauce containers. Now, this is about the size of a beard beard oil container, maybe a little maybe a little bigger. It is two point two ounces. So but the reason this is great is because

Beard Laws (43:25.366)
I have not.

Beard Laws (43:38.229)
Yeah. How many ounces?

Okay, yep.

Brandon J McDermott (43:46.028)
How many times have you gone to a grocery store and you see 50 ,000 fucking hot sauces and barbecue sauces and you're like, which one is going to be good? Well, you don't have to commit to $5 now. You can commit to getting a dollar and I got like six of them and I'm like, I got $6 with the hot sauce. These are amazing. I mean, this is, this is great. Not for everybody.

Beard Laws (44:03.797)
and they still got that six bucks. Yeah, they got the six bucks out of you. You were gonna buy one bottle for probably six bucks. You bought six of them. They're still getting you. It's brilliant.

Brandon J McDermott (44:12.928)
Yep. So, but also, I mean, I just mean from a consumer point, like as a hot sauce and condiment guy, I love trying different sauces. And if I find a good hot sauce and I'm like, this is going to be good with chicken or this is going to be good with steak or this is going to be love it. And so when I can find and hunt down a good sauce, I try to. And this is a great way to do

Beard Laws (44:29.206)

Beard Laws (44:35.073)
So if you see the sauce, will you sometimes be like, okay, I'm going to buy this sauce. And since I bought the sauce, now I'm going to go buy this meat that I'm going to buy this because I know all of this, like that habanero that you were just showing, that's a unique hot sauce. Like that's not going to go on everything.

Brandon J McDermott (44:50.57)
No, yes, I went to a barn festival. You talked about barns, a festival that was actually it was in a barn and a big ass renovated barn. Just a beautiful place. Like when I say big, I'm talking like probably five or six thousand square feet. So there's just they had a bunch of different vendors come from around the country. One of them was a barbecue place out of Mississippi, and they made this ranch.

Beard Laws (44:56.341)
Hey, full circle.

Brandon J McDermott (45:21.142)
That was just, I got a bottle of it upstairs. I'll have to show it. I'll take a picture and send it you. Out of this world. Like it is spicy, but not spicy. Like flavorful and spiced and just beautiful, beautifully done. But it reminded me of a Reuben. It wasn't quite Thousand Island, but like I was thinking to myself, this would be good on a Reuben. So I went out and I bought rye bread and I bought a sauerkraut and I bought corned beef and I went

Beard Laws (45:37.035)
Ooh. Yep.

Brandon J McDermott (45:48.544)
course I'm a cheese guy so I gotta have cheese in mind. bought provolone and I made Reubens because of this one barbecue sauce so yes a hundred

Beard Laws (45:56.715)
And it was it was a better you think than the Thousand Islands.

Brandon J McDermott (45:59.276)
Well, I spent like $50 on everything, but I had Reuben sandwiches for like three days.

Beard Laws (46:06.039)
I mean, yeah, I mean, the local place that I go to Route 68 Delhi up the road for me, like I've lived in a country to be able to have fresh hot food within two miles is a huge deal in a small town. And they make a killer Reuben and you go up there and like you said, you get Reuben's chips and a pickle and you're still probably 15, 20 bucks. You know what I mean? So like you said, if you had a whole bunch of them for 50, that's not bad. But I do I do have to tell you this. I'm not I don't think I'm going to say the name of it, but I've been chatting with a hot sauce company. OK.

And the guy is bearded. He came from the beard world, used to do some freestyle beards and stuff, has a hot sauce, it's award winning. It was even on this show that you might've heard of called Hot Ones. They had a hot sauce on season 23 of Hot Ones. And I was like, listen, man, I got a dude that loves hot stuff. said, I'm kind of a pussy when it comes to it. I can't do hot between my stomachs. He goes, I got something for everybody. So I said, why don't we find a day?

Brandon J McDermott (46:46.858)
Beard Laws (47:02.389)
We'll get them on the show. We'll just do our stay out of the fridge. We'll chat. We'll try some hot sauces and we'll just have a good time with them. So within the next couple of weeks, we'll put out an episode with this company. Should we tell them who it is or should we make them wait?

Brandon J McDermott (47:15.776)
I think teasing's fun. Maybe we should tell him. I don't know. you call?

Beard Laws (47:17.504)

I don't care, all right. So I'll tell you this, let's do a little fun and we'll tell you next week if they're not on yet. You guys can go to my Instagram and you can see somebody that I follow and it starts with S -A -M, S -A -M. And they do hot sauces. I love the logos, I love the variety of them, the website and everything. So we're gonna get them on here. I even have 18 Mutuals on the Instagram with this company. So we're gonna get them on, we'll find a day that works.

And like I said, I'm super excited. He said he's going to send some hot sauce to the boys. So obviously, I'll I'll send you the site, find a couple or if you just want like a blind package of what he thinks is the best. And yeah, we're going to get him on here. Have some fun with it. Like I said, try some hot sauces and just have a fun conversation with somebody a little different. We don't usually do interviews, but when a guy like that wants to come on and it fits our passion and the brand with the stay out of my fridge, we're going to have this guy's hot sauce in our fridge or on our desk. Who knows?

Brandon J McDermott (48:17.878)

Beard Laws (48:18.901)
So all right, well, we'll we'll get out of here. We've both got some busy days. Brandon, appreciate the hell out of you, Hopefully you had a good vacation and sorry you have to go back to work like the rest of us. That's some of the worst and you've been we love your brother and hopefully you're feeling better soon and hopefully you're back here soon. But if not, we'll be holding it down and we're not going to send you any of the hot sauces. Can't have that going on in your in your tummy. So that's all I got. I don't know if you got anything else.

Brandon J McDermott (48:45.748)
I got nothing, stay safe and be good.

Beard Laws (48:48.129)
Hell yeah, and don't put a bunch of worms in your fridge. Hopefully they don't like eggs, but either way, we'll see you guys next week. Be good to your wieners. Keep your sticks on the ice. Goodbye.

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